Rabu, 10 April 2013

My motivator

My motivator
I am a woman who has many dreams and many expectations in my life. Moreover, to make my parents proud of me and make them happy are some of my expectations. They are also as my big motivated in every inch in my life. So that, I try to do the best as I can in many things that I have done. As a human being, I want to be a successful woman. Not only useful for myself, but also for the other people. For me, to being a successful person it is not about how rich you are but how far you can make your family feel of blessing. There are several reasons why I have to be a successful woman.
The first is I want to increase my family society. I know to get the high standard of living is not easy; it has to have many sacrifices. That is why I have to fight to my family. Since I grown up I start to think more carefully than I was younger. I have to think about my future, what will I do if I pass my study, what can I do to apply my knowledge, and so on.
The second is I want to have bright career. I do love many schedule, being busy and have many experiences. Basically, I am the person who will take any change that appears of my life. As long as that is positive for me and I get the right time, I will take it.
I realize that it will take a long journey of my life to get a successful life. I have to study hard and I have to learn more to make it happen. Actually, there are many things else that I wish, but the most common hopes are both of those reason. Someday, I hope those are my wishes will happen. In brief, I am very thankful to my parents as the biggest motivator to me. Thus I can survive until now. 

Senin, 01 April 2013

midtest: argumentative essay

The Government should not Legalize Gay Marriage statutes
            Nowadays in the modernization era, gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender are negative phenomenons which growing in young generation culture around the world. Day by day, many couples of lesbian or gay that being brave to show their identity and their relationship. This is going to make bad moral and bad social to general society. Moreover, they thought they can make a legal marriage with their couple. Then, they become arrogant to force the government to make a legal law of their deviant behavior as a gay or lesbian couple. This is become a crucial issue in French, because the government of French has been made the statutes of gay marriage. Later, they will submit it to the parliament. Thus, the parliament will decide whether that is grated or not. That is making a rejection of the Frenchman, because to make gay marriage statutes being legalizes means many negative impacts will occur, particularly to the society. For this reason, the government of French should not legalize gay marriage statutes.
In my view, there are several negative impacts if the government legalized gay marriage statutes. The first, there is no religion in this world that legalizes gay marriage with any reasons. Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu and Catholic are strongly condemned this incident and this would be the big sin to those whom do this deflection. Instead of it, this case will undermine the faith of people itself. The people will have bad moral, attitude and behavior. As a good believer, we should decline this issue for our country or another country.
The second reasons is young generation will have desire to be a gay. Some of them will think that it does not matter if they have a relationship with the same-sex and they will be a lesbian or gay. It will damage their moral also their future automatically. For those purposes, the human resources will get the low quality because the young generation had bad morals. Homosexual will get the difficult respond to acceptable in environment and society. Gay or lesbian is the odd thing that already made as a public opinion.
The last reason is if those statutes will be legalizing by the government, how about another thing is adoption child from gay couple? This is one of the main points. It is will give some disadvantages to the child itself. By way of illustration, the child will confuse about his parents, whom the mother is and whom the father is. The child will bully by his friends that he does not have a complete or a real family. We all knew that, a normal family consists of a father (man), a mother (woman) and their children. The children from adoption will get misbehave that shown by their homosexual parents. The strong cause is homosexual is bad attitude to his psychological growth.
In conclusion, with being legalize the statutes of gay marriage, people will get the several negative impacts and the several disadvantages of that case. So that, the government should not let the statutes of gay marriage will acceptable. The government and the society have responsibility to their youth generation. We have to save them from sex-deviation, such as gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender. We have to stay in our destiny, never try to chance or to destroy values in society. Also, the important one is do not ever damage the holiness of a wedding. As a human being, we have to believe that the God already set out a partner of each person to spend the rest of our life.

600 words.

Minggu, 24 Maret 2013

argumentative essay: students should not work while they are going to school

Nurul H Sading
Class VI A
Students should not work while they are going to school
Thesis statement: High school students should not work part time while they are going to school because they will get several disadvantages.
Body of essay:
       I.          The main point of those disadvantages is they will not concentrate to their school.
     II.          Another disadvantage is they cannot join in extracurricular activity if they do work.
   III.          The last disadvantage is they will not have leisure in their teens to play with their peers.
As has been noted, there are several disadvantages that can be happening to you if you were a high school student which has your own job out of study. There will be bad impacts that can be appear of your study process. Instead of it, you can get the limited time because a half of your time off used to work. Likewise, you can lose your leisure time to enjoy with your friends. The facts showed those disadvantages. As a result, it might be strong reason, being a student who has his own job is not good idea. The best way is students have to give full concentration, time, and passion to their study to get the success.

Nurul H Sading
Class VI A
Writing III
Sat, March 23, 2013
Students should not work while they are going to school
            Being a man who has two or more things to do in the same time is complicated. Moreover, it happens to students whom still on teens. They have not stabiles thinking yet. In brief, they cannot balance both activities among study and work. In my view, high school students should not work part time while they are going to school because they will get several disadvantages. They are not ready to face it in their ages, so that, they get it as a problem.
            The main point of those disadvantages is they will not concentrate to their study. Because they have another thing to do and it will get their attention. As a consequence, many problems come to them. Such as, they can lose their grade, they think into two things among work and study which will attract their attention that it supposed to be only on study, or they become lazy to study and will give their mind and energy to work. In fact, some students cannot manage their time while they have another job instead of their main activity as a student.
Another disadvantage is they cannot join in extracurricular activity if they do work. Here is the thing; not only they cannot increase their talent, potential, and ability but also they cannot get any experiences if they are not participating in extracurricular activity. Extracurricular is the place of student which cans development a positive thing to progress themselves. If they give participate in extracurricular activity they will get some new friends, they will get more self-confidence, and they used to being sociable person.
The last disadvantage is they will not have leisure in their teens to play with their peers. This is most common case that I realize happen if high school students have worked. By way of illustration, they lose quality time with their own friends. It means, they will have small social relationship in the society. They have not a good time to do pleasure things in their teens, and they often have not time off to go on vacation.
As has been noted, there are several disadvantages that can be happening to you if you were a high school student which has your own job out of study. There will be bad impacts that can be appear of your study process. Instead of it, you can get the limited time because a half of your time off used to work. Likewise, you can lose your leisure time to enjoy with your friends. The facts showed those disadvantages. As a result, it might be strong reason, being a student who has his own job is not good idea. The best way is students have to give full concentration, time, and passion to their study to get the success.

Kamis, 21 Maret 2013

Camerawork at Botutonuo Beach

Last week on Sunday, March 17th 2013 I was going to the beautiful Botutonuo beach with ADWINDO (Associate  Tourism Ambassador  of Indonesia Bone Bolango) or Nou & Uti Bone Bolango 2013. It was a joyful moment when we spent whole day to doing camerawork. Even though, the weather was so hot because, we were doing the shots under the bright sunshine, we were still happy and enjoy the activity. Finally, the result of the camerawork was so Amazing! hehe, checks this out :)

Motivasi Kuliah

Ada beberapa motivasi yang membuat saya bertahan menjalani kuliah saya sampai dengan saat ini. Motivasi terbesar saya  saat ini adalah saya  untuk kebahagiaan orang tua saya. Mereka adalah penyemangat dalam hidup, vitamin yang seketika memberikan kekuatan dan semangat agar dapat menyelesaikan kuliah ini dengan tepat waktu. Di saat saya merasa lelah karna aktivitas dan hal-hal yang saya harus lakukan demi kelancarn kuliah saya, saya hanya mengingat semua nasehat, ucapan, serta harapan yang pernah disampaikan oleh kedua orang tua saya. Sehingga, itu menjadi kata-kata yang dapat menjadi penyemangat mengapa saya harus bersusah payah berjuang untuk kuliah saya. Bahwa ternyata, ada dua orang yang paling berharga dalam hidup saya yang sedang menunggu upacara kelulusan saya menjadi seorang sarjana dan dapat memakai toga dengan senyum bahagia karena telah berhasil menyelesaikan pendidikan S1 saya. Saya memang belum berfikir kedepannya saya ingin kerja dimana, saya nantinya menjadi apa, atau apa yang saya lakukan setelah lulus S1 nanti, yang terpenting untuk saya saat ini adalah nantinya ketika saya sudah menyelesaikan kuliah S1 saya dengan baik, maka saya akan melihat pula rona kebahagiaan dan senyum bangga dari kedua orang tua saya, ditambah dengan banyak kebahagiaan yang tercipta dari anggota keluarga saya lainnya.
Motivasi lainnya adalah saya ingin menjadikan hidup dan diri saya berguna untuk orang lain. Dengan masuk sebagai mahasiswa S1 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris yang nantinya dipersiapkan untuk menjadi seorang guru, saya mengharapkan bahwa kedepannya saya dapat membagi ilmu yang sudah saya pelajari selama ini kepada anak-anak didik saya, ataupun kepada masyarakat sekitaran yang sedikit banyak saya harapkan bisa membantu mereka untuk menyumbangkan ide, gagasan ataupun berupa opini pemikiran yang dapat berguna untuk sesama. Maka dari itu, saya terus mencari pengetahuan-pengetahuan baru yang bisa saya kuasai dan nantinya bisa saya terapkan dalam pekerjaan saya sebagai seorang guru ataupun nantinya jika saya bukan menjadi seorang guru.
Sebagai penutup, pada dasarnya semua motivasi-motivasi dalam hidup saya hanyalah kerena orang-orang terkasih yang sangat berjasa terutama membimbing, mengarahkan dan membina saya menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik. Begitu juga dengan prinsip hidup saya, semoga apa yang saya perjuangkan saat ini dapat berguna nantinya bagi sesama.  

Kamis, 14 Maret 2013

Quarantine :D

suddenly, i remember all moments in quarantine :')
 #FirstDay :D

 #sharing with the Runner Up 4 Putri Pariwisata :))

 #catwalk section
 debate Uti vs Nou :D
 Ayahh Udin :))

Minggu, 10 Maret 2013

Pemilihan Nou Uti Bone Bolango 2013

Bersama Uti Bone Bolango 2013, Reza Mamonto


5 besar Nou & Uti Bone Bolango 2013
dari sisi kiri: Nurul (Runner Up 2 Nou), Gina (Runner Up 1 Nou) , Riri (Harapan 1 Nou), Vivi (Harapan @ Nou), Rara (Nou BonBol), Reza (Uti BonBol), Didin (Runner Up 2 Uti), MJ (Harapan 2 Uti), Chandra (Harapan 1 Uti), Noval (Runner Up 1 Uti)