Senin, 14 Januari 2013

book project "Mogama" 3rd semester

Table of contents
Preface                                                                       2
Part I, introduction                                                   5
Part II, Mogama’ process                                          10
Bibliography                                                              41
About writer                                                              42

The entire praise to Allah SWT, who has been giving us the mercy and blessing, thus we always in Allah guidance. Shalawat and salam we send to our big prophet Muhammad SAW and his relatives, with says Allah humma salliala saiyidina Muhammad wa’ala saiyida Muhammad, so that I can do this book well and on time.
This book is my first book that talk about cultural ceremony. One of the nuptial process that originaly from Bolaang Mongondow culture. I choose this title because sometimes the Bolaang mongondow people did not do this culture anymore when they have nuptial party. It is because the cultural shift in this modernization era. Thus, I want to show the complete process of mogama’ to all people especially for Mongondows people.
As a young generation from Mongondows, I believe that if we can make our culture stay exist without forgotten the all philosophy or process it could be make us as cultured generations.
I want to say million thanks to my parents, Mr. Hi. Supardi Sading, S.Hi and Ms. Hj. Muliati Amparodo who always supporting and praying for me. They are the reason of my life, for my mom who had chosen this title for me after I consulted about what the best theme that I will explain in my book. Big thanks to Ms. Nonny Basalama, MA, Ph.D  as a lecture of Speaking II subject who given the knowledge, theory and many things else.  . She always lead us to give the best of our work and she also very supporting us to finished this book, don’t ever give up with any challenges to doing this book to improve our ability in speaking and writing, and I did it! I finished this book. Thanks to all lectures in English department state university of Gorontalo who supported our book in launching books even on December 14th 2012.  For my brother and my family. They always give suggestions for me to give the best as I can. To brother Rifi and sister Ririn who is the actor and actress on all this pictures in this book, you both the lovely couple. Thanks for let me used your pictures. Thanks to publisher this book. For the last, the special thanks to my brothers and sisters, my wonderful A, my great A means my Class A of English department’ 011. You all more than just a friend to me, you all my new family. They are always giving me love, support, and ideas to finish this book. Thank you all, you are absolutely incredible.
Finally, thank you for the reader. I proud to be a student of English Department.

Gorontalo, January 2013

Nurul hidayati sading
MOGAMA’ is one of nuptial process in Bolaang Mongodow. Mogama’ is a ceremony to pick up the bride which doing by bridegroom’s family as a prove that bridegroom’s parents and all family have accepted the bride as their child and as their family member in all sincerity, seeing by the government, custom observer, custom figures, all families, kinsfolk and guesses. The bride has been picking up by the bridegroom. “Based on the Bolaang Mongondow custom, this ceremony as a mandatory for bridegroom’s family because if they did not doing yet this ceremony as a consequence the bride will not get excuse to visit bridegroom’s home up to her life” (personal communication, 27 December, 2012 8.33 pm). Because Mongondow people really appreciated and respected women.

These are nuptial steps in Bolaang Mongondow:
Ø  Asked for marry (engage) – moguman don mobuloi
Ø  If the engagement has been accepted, it will continue by custom figures (guhanga) asking for reward (yoko’). At the pass time, yoko’ could be things such as a piece of land contain by coconuts palm lontad in bango’, thatch grass, breed like cow, horse, or high-value goods and money.
Ø  Guat, giving a thing by candidate bridegroom’s family for separating (guat) bride candidate from her mother and father.
Ø  Uku’ ukud, giving the cost help in money form by according deal between bride’s family and bridegroom’s family.
Ø  Taba’ is delegation from bride’s family to bridegroom’s family as a proving that a man has been asked marries for women.
Ø   Mahar is something that asks by bride candidate from bridegroom candidate.
Ø  Nuptial ceremony, ijab qabul by bride’s father.
Ø  Gama’ to pick up bride by bridegroom’s family based on 13 steps;
1.       Tompangkoi in gama’ : early process
2.      Lolan kon tutugan in lanang : through of  leakage roof of water
3.      Lolanan kon tubig : through of the river
4.      Poponikan kon tukad : going up the staircase
5.      Lampangan kon tonom : trhough to the house door
6.      Pilat in paung : close an umbrella
7.      Pilat in siripu : take shoes off
8.      Ilituan (mopolitu’) : have a seat
9.      Pilat in kokuduk / kolubung : take off the hood
10.  Pinogapangan: to adjoin bride couple
11.  Pinomama’an : eat the betel
12.  Pinogiobawan bo’ pinolimumugan : eating food and gargle
13.  Pobuian : going back to bridegroom’s home
All the thirteen (13) process of mogama’ will do by old people from bride’s family with requisite they have to give some valuable things as a symbol of affection to bride. Such as, an antique plate, money, or a golden thing, and other valuable things according to what does bride want. “Mongula” means that a shy attitude from bride but still lightsome.
In this ceremony, every step has its conversation with local language or custom language between bridegroom’s families with bride’s families. Before doing this procession, then the executor will introduction both of bride identity.


Date of birth:


Member in family:

*      BRIDE

Date of birth:


Member in family:

Procession of MOGAMA’
·         At bride’s house
A.      It Begins by Taba’ (courier) custom figure from bridegroom’s family to say that in a momentarily the bridegroom’s family will pick up the bride and her family for bring into bridegroom’s house.
                                                        I.            In this moment, usually the figures used local language for communication.
Asking for taba’: Naadon kaminada taba’ nokon dota’ olaki, momngoi mopoyaput in bahasa kon aka dia’ in alangan yo dega’ topi’mai in kaluarga taki-takin guhanga damping in olaki in momangoi mongimbaloian mai kon na’a kon baloi sehubungan dengan acara mogama topi’ mai nion.
Means: we both are courier from bridegroom for taking in trust ask that momentarily there will come into bride’s house for doing the series of mogama.
                                                      II.            The answer from bride’s family to taba’:  syukur mo’anto’ bo’  bahasa in sinarima kon kopia-pia mao bo’ kamitolu motolu adi’ in tatap bi’ mogolot kon onu don in rencana in kaluarga damping tobotak.
Means: thank you for taba’ and the truth that already ask for us and we accepted it. Therefore, we will be waiting for plan from bridegroom’s family.
B.      Performing of Mogama’ or also Gama’ doing by figures of custom and bridegroom’s family:
1)      Tompangkoi in Gama’
The bride wears full marry costume, she seats on the wedding stage or place in the middle room that already prepared, she uses veil on her head until close her face and she seats under umbrella.
The bride seats among her parents then there are two girls hang fan or garland also there are some the oldest mothers bride’s family and executor of custom, in this moment everyone are cheerful.
This are steps when the troupe figures custom and bridegroom’s family arrived in bride’s house:
a.     Mongimbalu’ Kon Mokokiangoi
In the railing door, the figures of custom as acclaim of guesses (mongimbalu) says welcome to mogama’ troupe or bridegroom’s family.
In front of house, the parents of bride or the courier of bride’s family are accepting the troupe (motarima kon mokokiangoi).
b.      The bridegroom wears full marry costume and he is standing with two older mothers beside on his left and right.
On the chair, it settings separate between bridegroom and bride.
c.       This is the figures dialogue of bride:
Naadon in kita komintan, koena nion in oyuo in taba kon bali naaya sehubungan pelaksanaan don kon acara mogama kodalom natua dega’ kamu tolu don in sinangoian taba koena nion.
Means: on the second ago, the courier of bridegroom had come at bride’s house to ask that for a while there will be arrival figures of custom and family from bridegroom’s family as a part of mogama series and maybe ladies and gentle man this is the expectation of taba.
d.      The figures custom from bridegroom as a head of troupe mogama and also as represent bridegroom’s family explained:
Kamitolu in noiponik naaya guhangea kon molinow momagi’ don momahasa kon inamutolu naa kon molinow yaitu na’a.
Bo adat in dega’ notolisi’ bidon yo na’a pa doman in bahasa ukaton kon tayowon itogi gadi’ nopogoyod kon indongogan pa doman makow in lipu bo’ bobato.
Kon aka na’ mopiya doman yo adi’ bobay nion inta tangoinya in ki Indah topi’ mai na’a in gama’an don doman I tongigadi’ nopogoyod kon adi’ lolaki.
De’eman gama’an in nododungkul sin tonga’ gama’an in gina bo bahasa, tonga kon gina makow in ba’ adi bobai nion in ponik ponak don kon doyowa nobaloian na’a kodalom in natua yo adi bobai naa popoimbaloiandon kon baloi I guya’ bo onunutunnya simba’ ikolom bo to uma’ dega oyuon in hajat patoi andeka mobiag yo dia’ don doman sia mo una-una bo moponik moponag bidon kon balon guya’nya bo’ inunutonnya.
Nion pa dega’ in bahasa na’a akon sipu ‘on kon inamutolu bo kon itogi gadi’.
Means: on this moment we are from bridegroom’s family with figures custom coming to bridegroom’s house to asking him for the willing, so that if some day there will be celebration from person who pass away or person that alive celebration the bride will coming together with bridegroom’s family and his parents.
e.      Figures of bride
The replay dialogue:
mokoabatdon kon bahasa inamutolu nongkon dampig in tobotk boaka nion pa doman in konggina makow da’ koinamutolu motolu adi’ in dia bi’ singku’nya konion. Sin gama’an namu toluin mododungkul bo’ mododait tonga yo gina bo bahasa in tatua motulid in mopiya-piya koinami tolu bo kon itogidadi. Niondon in abat in bahasa namutolu koena nion bo aka dia mokotala kon adat yo da’ adi bobay in motau bidon duduyon mangoi.
Means: the request to the bride to be brought to the bridegroom's family by custom celebration. Thus, we are from bride's family approved it but implemented by custom that has prevailed.
By doing this custom from bride’s family had determined by institute custom of urban, and the preparation at bridegroom’s house is in front of the guesses there was some kabela (square box) on the table that consist of betel, areca nut, tobacco, cigarettes, lighters, and cloves are ready to be served.
f.        At the time the request is granted then a mother handing thing. It could be antique plate or valuable thing to the bride, to subtly persuade the bride invites her to stand and walk out of the room through the door of the house, before the leakage roof (tutugan in lanang) and then paused to ask for something (mongula’).

2)      Lolanan kon tutungan in lanang
(Through of leakage roof of water)
The bride did not want to walk yet, so the mother of the groom's family to persuade handing valuable thing ultimately with that thing the bride is willing to walk.
3)      Lolanan kon tubig
This moment, the situation is cheerful. Because the bride ‘mungla’ doing like bargaining by fine words between all participants troupe of pickup (mogama’) and all participants troupe of accompanied the bride. The bride with a mongula attitude is to survive her self-esteem. She feels reluctant to step into the car which wills pickup her and at that moment a mother of the groom's family came to persuade with fine words while providing valuable thing. Then the bride will walk to the car.
Usually the dialogue will be figurative language with funny and unique words.
Groom’s side:
Ta’ nongonu dega’ sin mogogaibi’ (why does she stop?)
Answering by bride’s accompanist:
Oh oyuon in dunuk moloben (oh, there is a big flood)
Replayed by groom’s side:
Naa bogoyan name in kapal deeman tongak gakid (we will give a bout not only a raft boat).
The trope arrived at groom’s house
            Bride with her parents, the bridesmaids, the troupe of pick up consisting of intimate relatives, were arrived in front of the groom’s house was picked up with a tuitan dancing and the troupe will stop for a while.
For tuitan complete with custom clothing, kaleaw, spear, standing at the door of the groom’s house and led by a district chief of groom and following the bride with his entourage to enter the groom's house or yard, and continued the next event.
4)      Poponikan kon tukad
The bride is walking through into tolatak (made from webbing yellow bamboo) and infront of tolatak, the bridegroom stops before she steps into it.
In this moment, the sibling of groom gives packet as a sign of familiarity.
Hereafter, mokapit (holding hand) right arm of bridegroom to led trough of tolatak going to home door and stop in front of it.
*mokapit, doing by groom’s brother
*The bride is walking through into tolatak
5)      Lampangan kon tonom
After the bride stops in front of the door, the salty parents of the groom will pick her with an affability and affection. Then, the groom’s mother is welcome while put in necklace or valuable things as an affection sign.
*she assembles the necklace to bridegroom
6)      Pilat in paung
In this section, when the bride enters into the door, there is a golden color umbrella open up to her. Still, the bride is mongula, but after a mother gives things or money then the umbrella will close.

7)      Pilat in siripu
After she enters the guestroom, therefore bride is still stop before stepping to forceps seat that was provided and mongula. after been given things by a mother then she want to repudiate footgear and making for seat already being provided.
8)      Ilituan / Bahasaan popolitu
one get in at seat already being provided, bride was direct sitting but still does mongula and by a mother with lingual custom goes ahead to sit while gives valuable things to bride to go ahead and seat. Then woman bride sits in place already be provided.
9)      Pilat in kokudu/kolubung
Upon bride hood seat is still to be closed and by a mother with lingual custom too and gives a valuable thing as money and or high-value goods then repudiates bride hood.

10)  Pinogapangan
A mother gives a thing to adjoining the bride.
11)  Pinomamaan
Upon a mother treats to eat areca betel already been made ready beforehand but bride is still mongula and after been given goods or money, bride symbolically take and eat areca betel.
12)  Pinogiobawan bo pinolimumugan
After it finished to eating betel therefore dished by foods to entourage and pickers. At that moment, bride is still do mongula so a mother gives things while going ahead to eat dish.
* (pinogiobawan) a mother feeds with a spoon to the bridegrooms.
*(pinolimumugan) gargle
13)  Pobuian
A family mother from groom’s side gives a valuable as goods of antique or high-value goods or money in order to returns to bride house.
After 13th steps to be passed, the figures of custom from the bridegroom will ask the 13 steps of mogama’.
Naa bo’ nopalut bidon uku-ukud in gama kon adi’ bobainaa yo da’ dega’ buipa bahasaan name motolu adi kon ba’ mobui pa mako kon baloi sin moanto’ pa in topotakinnya minta tua kon baloi.

Then, its continued by itu-itum as a refuse of accident that doing by one man of figures custom.
Ompu, ompu, ompu!
Odi-odi mobarakat itu-itum mokaramat
Yo tonga’ poigumonku kon nabi bo malaikat Tuhan ta’ nongahendak!
Oyuonka nahas noidodai no ponagg kon pinogamaan singgai naa koi indah yo ta’ padoman;
Ompu, ompu, ompu!
Dia’ pa doman sia tumugat, sin lumbuonnya pa doman kon moutag, ponirupnya kon batu apad, kon ki nodapian in dumpilat,
Samba dia’ ko itakan in posibotak modapot kon mokiamat dia’ doman sia moitukat
Invocation appeal, invocation appeal, invocation appeal
Be soughed to Prophet and angel and God
Lord, if one presumably there is accident what do be appearing when Mogama happens.
therefore be sought by stay away from the bridegroom and groom, won't there is which touch to on the two bride and family that in control of danger come up doomsday and hopefully get blessing from ALLAH S.W.T.
This continued by MOSOLAMAT
Dongka ki tarima kaseh kon salamat
Salamat kon inaton komintan!
Salamat kon posibotak, ko inamu tolu ko inamu opat!
Salamat kon inande ku nanung kararit nanung keat!
Lagapan in tugu bakid, lagapan in tudu dagat
Aka adon momoli-molipik bo’ mongaliokad
Yo dunia posindip-sindip, mo pobaya-bayag
Binatuk kudon pinatongan bo’ sinarap
Naanta lagapan bi’in ta mokaramat
Pinakat bidon I toguoyod ginalum bo’ utat
Ki ady sinimindog dontumulat
A tumonggoliu tu monggolipat
Ko I togi gadi I togi motugat
Singgai naa in notolisi’ nolapat, in gama’ bo’ gu’at
Sin dinoyon don in posibotak
Kon hokum mulabo’ hokum adat
Bahasa naton bogot noton akat
Kon tayowon I sinungkadan ki pinangkat
Taki-takin guhanga opat
Singog pinorimaan pi no lukad kon motolu adi’ bo’mogogutat
Yo’ ompu, ompu, poiguman ku doa barakat
Kon  nabi bo malaikat, Tuhan ta’ no ngahendak
Oyuon ka yampoi yo ta, pa moilipat
Pamakot kon lokutoi, bo’ potaloman kon dagat
Kamang mo bandu mo I taukat, mo tuoi pa doman onuka in niat
Bo tonibuloi namunda makakal, molnoi, molamang
Tabe takin salamat.
mogama's custom event is finish and further both of bride and family and invitation are invite to wend to decorative wedding place  that already being provided.

personal communication, 27 December, 2012 8.33 pm
Panitia pelaksanaan adat mogama. (2011, Maret). Prosesi  upacara adat mogama perkawinan kepada ibnu fachri subhan malah, SS dengan indah maya sari soekarno,
Pictures from:
Rifian Amparodo, S.Kom and Suci Anggreaeni Limbalo, S.Si, mogama ceremony procession.

About writer
Nurul hidayati sading, she was born in Kotamobagu (north Sulawesi) on january 4th 1994. Her hobies are reading, singing and wathing movies. Now, she lives in Gorontalo for solve her study in state university of Gorontalo as a student of English Department’011.
Tips and criticism that highly expected from writer to make next works perfection. For contact with writer can pass through by email: or blog: nurulsading.blogspot.comTable of contents
Preface                                                                       2
Part I, introduction                                                   5
Part II, Mogama’ process                                          10
Bibliography                                                              41
About writer                                                              42

The entire praise to Allah SWT, who has been giving us the mercy and blessing, thus we always in Allah guidance. Shalawat and salam we send to our big prophet Muhammad SAW and his relatives, with says Allah humma salliala saiyidina Muhammad wa’ala saiyida Muhammad, so that I can do this book well and on time.
This book is my first book that talk about cultural ceremony. One of the nuptial process that originaly from Bolaang Mongondow culture. I choose this title because sometimes the Bolaang mongondow people did not do this culture anymore when they have nuptial party. It is because the cultural shift in this modernization era. Thus, I want to show the complete process of mogama’ to all people especially for Mongondows people.
As a young generation from Mongondows, I believe that if we can make our culture stay exist without forgotten the all philosophy or process it could be make us as cultured generations.
I want to say million thanks to my parents, Mr. Hi. Supardi Sading, S.Hi and Ms. Hj. Muliati Amparodo who always supporting and praying for me. They are the reason of my life, for my mom who had chosen this title for me after I consulted about what the best theme that I will explain in my book. Big thanks to Ms. Nonny Basalama, MA, Ph.D  as a lecture of Speaking II subject who given the knowledge, theory and many things else.  . She always lead us to give the best of our work and she also very supporting us to finished this book, don’t ever give up with any challenges to doing this book to improve our ability in speaking and writing, and I did it! I finished this book. Thanks to all lectures in English department state university of Gorontalo who supported our book in launching books even on December 14th 2012.  For my brother and my family. They always give suggestions for me to give the best as I can. To brother Rifi and sister Ririn who is the actor and actress on all this pictures in this book, you both the lovely couple. Thanks for let me used your pictures. Thanks to publisher this book. For the last, the special thanks to my brothers and sisters, my wonderful A, my great A means my Class A of English department’ 011. You all more than just a friend to me, you all my new family. They are always giving me love, support, and ideas to finish this book. Thank you all, you are absolutely incredible.
Finally, thank you for the reader. I proud to be a student of English Department.

Gorontalo, January 2013

Nurul hidayati sading
MOGAMA’ is one of nuptial process in Bolaang Mongodow. Mogama’ is a ceremony to pick up the bride which doing by bridegroom’s family as a prove that bridegroom’s parents and all family have accepted the bride as their child and as their family member in all sincerity, seeing by the government, custom observer, custom figures, all families, kinsfolk and guesses. The bride has been picking up by the bridegroom. “Based on the Bolaang Mongondow custom, this ceremony as a mandatory for bridegroom’s family because if they did not doing yet this ceremony as a consequence the bride will not get excuse to visit bridegroom’s home up to her life” (personal communication, 27 December, 2012 8.33 pm). Because Mongondow people really appreciated and respected women.

These are nuptial steps in Bolaang Mongondow:
Ø  Asked for marry (engage) – moguman don mobuloi
Ø  If the engagement has been accepted, it will continue by custom figures (guhanga) asking for reward (yoko’). At the pass time, yoko’ could be things such as a piece of land contain by coconuts palm lontad in bango’, thatch grass, breed like cow, horse, or high-value goods and money.
Ø  Guat, giving a thing by candidate bridegroom’s family for separating (guat) bride candidate from her mother and father.
Ø  Uku’ ukud, giving the cost help in money form by according deal between bride’s family and bridegroom’s family.
Ø  Taba’ is delegation from bride’s family to bridegroom’s family as a proving that a man has been asked marries for women.
Ø   Mahar is something that asks by bride candidate from bridegroom candidate.
Ø  Nuptial ceremony, ijab qabul by bride’s father.
Ø  Gama’ to pick up bride by bridegroom’s family based on 13 steps;
1.       Tompangkoi in gama’ : early process
2.      Lolan kon tutugan in lanang : through of  leakage roof of water
3.      Lolanan kon tubig : through of the river
4.      Poponikan kon tukad : going up the staircase
5.      Lampangan kon tonom : trhough to the house door
6.      Pilat in paung : close an umbrella
7.      Pilat in siripu : take shoes off
8.      Ilituan (mopolitu’) : have a seat
9.      Pilat in kokuduk / kolubung : take off the hood
10.  Pinogapangan: to adjoin bride couple
11.  Pinomama’an : eat the betel
12.  Pinogiobawan bo’ pinolimumugan : eating food and gargle
13.  Pobuian : going back to bridegroom’s home
All the thirteen (13) process of mogama’ will do by old people from bride’s family with requisite they have to give some valuable things as a symbol of affection to bride. Such as, an antique plate, money, or a golden thing, and other valuable things according to what does bride want. “Mongula” means that a shy attitude from bride but still lightsome.
In this ceremony, every step has its conversation with local language or custom language between bridegroom’s families with bride’s families. Before doing this procession, then the executor will introduction both of bride identity.


Date of birth:


Member in family:

*      BRIDE

Date of birth:


Member in family:

Procession of MOGAMA’
·         At bride’s house
A.      It Begins by Taba’ (courier) custom figure from bridegroom’s family to say that in a momentarily the bridegroom’s family will pick up the bride and her family for bring into bridegroom’s house.
                                                        I.            In this moment, usually the figures used local language for communication.
Asking for taba’: Naadon kaminada taba’ nokon dota’ olaki, momngoi mopoyaput in bahasa kon aka dia’ in alangan yo dega’ topi’mai in kaluarga taki-takin guhanga damping in olaki in momangoi mongimbaloian mai kon na’a kon baloi sehubungan dengan acara mogama topi’ mai nion.
Means: we both are courier from bridegroom for taking in trust ask that momentarily there will come into bride’s house for doing the series of mogama.
                                                      II.            The answer from bride’s family to taba’:  syukur mo’anto’ bo’  bahasa in sinarima kon kopia-pia mao bo’ kamitolu motolu adi’ in tatap bi’ mogolot kon onu don in rencana in kaluarga damping tobotak.
Means: thank you for taba’ and the truth that already ask for us and we accepted it. Therefore, we will be waiting for plan from bridegroom’s family.
B.      Performing of Mogama’ or also Gama’ doing by figures of custom and bridegroom’s family:
1)      Tompangkoi in Gama’
The bride wears full marry costume, she seats on the wedding stage or place in the middle room that already prepared, she uses veil on her head until close her face and she seats under umbrella.
The bride seats among her parents then there are two girls hang fan or garland also there are some the oldest mothers bride’s family and executor of custom, in this moment everyone are cheerful.
This are steps when the troupe figures custom and bridegroom’s family arrived in bride’s house:
a.     Mongimbalu’ Kon Mokokiangoi
In the railing door, the figures of custom as acclaim of guesses (mongimbalu) says welcome to mogama’ troupe or bridegroom’s family.
In front of house, the parents of bride or the courier of bride’s family are accepting the troupe (motarima kon mokokiangoi).
b.      The bridegroom wears full marry costume and he is standing with two older mothers beside on his left and right.
On the chair, it settings separate between bridegroom and bride.
c.       This is the figures dialogue of bride:
Naadon in kita komintan, koena nion in oyuo in taba kon bali naaya sehubungan pelaksanaan don kon acara mogama kodalom natua dega’ kamu tolu don in sinangoian taba koena nion.
Means: on the second ago, the courier of bridegroom had come at bride’s house to ask that for a while there will be arrival figures of custom and family from bridegroom’s family as a part of mogama series and maybe ladies and gentle man this is the expectation of taba.
d.      The figures custom from bridegroom as a head of troupe mogama and also as represent bridegroom’s family explained:
Kamitolu in noiponik naaya guhangea kon molinow momagi’ don momahasa kon inamutolu naa kon molinow yaitu na’a.
Bo adat in dega’ notolisi’ bidon yo na’a pa doman in bahasa ukaton kon tayowon itogi gadi’ nopogoyod kon indongogan pa doman makow in lipu bo’ bobato.
Kon aka na’ mopiya doman yo adi’ bobay nion inta tangoinya in ki Indah topi’ mai na’a in gama’an don doman I tongigadi’ nopogoyod kon adi’ lolaki.
De’eman gama’an in nododungkul sin tonga’ gama’an in gina bo bahasa, tonga kon gina makow in ba’ adi bobai nion in ponik ponak don kon doyowa nobaloian na’a kodalom in natua yo adi bobai naa popoimbaloiandon kon baloi I guya’ bo onunutunnya simba’ ikolom bo to uma’ dega oyuon in hajat patoi andeka mobiag yo dia’ don doman sia mo una-una bo moponik moponag bidon kon balon guya’nya bo’ inunutonnya.
Nion pa dega’ in bahasa na’a akon sipu ‘on kon inamutolu bo kon itogi gadi’.
Means: on this moment we are from bridegroom’s family with figures custom coming to bridegroom’s house to asking him for the willing, so that if some day there will be celebration from person who pass away or person that alive celebration the bride will coming together with bridegroom’s family and his parents.
e.      Figures of bride
The replay dialogue:
mokoabatdon kon bahasa inamutolu nongkon dampig in tobotk boaka nion pa doman in konggina makow da’ koinamutolu motolu adi’ in dia bi’ singku’nya konion. Sin gama’an namu toluin mododungkul bo’ mododait tonga yo gina bo bahasa in tatua motulid in mopiya-piya koinami tolu bo kon itogidadi. Niondon in abat in bahasa namutolu koena nion bo aka dia mokotala kon adat yo da’ adi bobay in motau bidon duduyon mangoi.
Means: the request to the bride to be brought to the bridegroom's family by custom celebration. Thus, we are from bride's family approved it but implemented by custom that has prevailed.
By doing this custom from bride’s family had determined by institute custom of urban, and the preparation at bridegroom’s house is in front of the guesses there was some kabela (square box) on the table that consist of betel, areca nut, tobacco, cigarettes, lighters, and cloves are ready to be served.
f.        At the time the request is granted then a mother handing thing. It could be antique plate or valuable thing to the bride, to subtly persuade the bride invites her to stand and walk out of the room through the door of the house, before the leakage roof (tutugan in lanang) and then paused to ask for something (mongula’).

2)      Lolanan kon tutungan in lanang
(Through of leakage roof of water)
The bride did not want to walk yet, so the mother of the groom's family to persuade handing valuable thing ultimately with that thing the bride is willing to walk.
3)      Lolanan kon tubig
This moment, the situation is cheerful. Because the bride ‘mungla’ doing like bargaining by fine words between all participants troupe of pickup (mogama’) and all participants troupe of accompanied the bride. The bride with a mongula attitude is to survive her self-esteem. She feels reluctant to step into the car which wills pickup her and at that moment a mother of the groom's family came to persuade with fine words while providing valuable thing. Then the bride will walk to the car.
Usually the dialogue will be figurative language with funny and unique words.
Groom’s side:
Ta’ nongonu dega’ sin mogogaibi’ (why does she stop?)
Answering by bride’s accompanist:
Oh oyuon in dunuk moloben (oh, there is a big flood)
Replayed by groom’s side:
Naa bogoyan name in kapal deeman tongak gakid (we will give a bout not only a raft boat).
The trope arrived at groom’s house
            Bride with her parents, the bridesmaids, the troupe of pick up consisting of intimate relatives, were arrived in front of the groom’s house was picked up with a tuitan dancing and the troupe will stop for a while.
For tuitan complete with custom clothing, kaleaw, spear, standing at the door of the groom’s house and led by a district chief of groom and following the bride with his entourage to enter the groom's house or yard, and continued the next event.
4)      Poponikan kon tukad
The bride is walking through into tolatak (made from webbing yellow bamboo) and infront of tolatak, the bridegroom stops before she steps into it.
In this moment, the sibling of groom gives packet as a sign of familiarity.
Hereafter, mokapit (holding hand) right arm of bridegroom to led trough of tolatak going to home door and stop in front of it.
*mokapit, doing by groom’s brother
*The bride is walking through into tolatak
5)      Lampangan kon tonom
After the bride stops in front of the door, the salty parents of the groom will pick her with an affability and affection. Then, the groom’s mother is welcome while put in necklace or valuable things as an affection sign.
*she assembles the necklace to bridegroom
6)      Pilat in paung
In this section, when the bride enters into the door, there is a golden color umbrella open up to her. Still, the bride is mongula, but after a mother gives things or money then the umbrella will close.

7)      Pilat in siripu
After she enters the guestroom, therefore bride is still stop before stepping to forceps seat that was provided and mongula. after been given things by a mother then she want to repudiate footgear and making for seat already being provided.
8)      Ilituan / Bahasaan popolitu
one get in at seat already being provided, bride was direct sitting but still does mongula and by a mother with lingual custom goes ahead to sit while gives valuable things to bride to go ahead and seat. Then woman bride sits in place already be provided.
9)      Pilat in kokudu/kolubung
Upon bride hood seat is still to be closed and by a mother with lingual custom too and gives a valuable thing as money and or high-value goods then repudiates bride hood.

10)  Pinogapangan
A mother gives a thing to adjoining the bride.
11)  Pinomamaan
Upon a mother treats to eat areca betel already been made ready beforehand but bride is still mongula and after been given goods or money, bride symbolically take and eat areca betel.
12)  Pinogiobawan bo pinolimumugan
After it finished to eating betel therefore dished by foods to entourage and pickers. At that moment, bride is still do mongula so a mother gives things while going ahead to eat dish.
* (pinogiobawan) a mother feeds with a spoon to the bridegrooms.
*(pinolimumugan) gargle
13)  Pobuian
A family mother from groom’s side gives a valuable as goods of antique or high-value goods or money in order to returns to bride house.
After 13th steps to be passed, the figures of custom from the bridegroom will ask the 13 steps of mogama’.
Naa bo’ nopalut bidon uku-ukud in gama kon adi’ bobainaa yo da’ dega’ buipa bahasaan name motolu adi kon ba’ mobui pa mako kon baloi sin moanto’ pa in topotakinnya minta tua kon baloi.

Then, its continued by itu-itum as a refuse of accident that doing by one man of figures custom.
Ompu, ompu, ompu!
Odi-odi mobarakat itu-itum mokaramat
Yo tonga’ poigumonku kon nabi bo malaikat Tuhan ta’ nongahendak!
Oyuonka nahas noidodai no ponagg kon pinogamaan singgai naa koi indah yo ta’ padoman;
Ompu, ompu, ompu!
Dia’ pa doman sia tumugat, sin lumbuonnya pa doman kon moutag, ponirupnya kon batu apad, kon ki nodapian in dumpilat,
Samba dia’ ko itakan in posibotak modapot kon mokiamat dia’ doman sia moitukat
Invocation appeal, invocation appeal, invocation appeal
Be soughed to Prophet and angel and God
Lord, if one presumably there is accident what do be appearing when Mogama happens.
therefore be sought by stay away from the bridegroom and groom, won't there is which touch to on the two bride and family that in control of danger come up doomsday and hopefully get blessing from ALLAH S.W.T.
This continued by MOSOLAMAT
Dongka ki tarima kaseh kon salamat
Salamat kon inaton komintan!
Salamat kon posibotak, ko inamu tolu ko inamu opat!
Salamat kon inande ku nanung kararit nanung keat!
Lagapan in tugu bakid, lagapan in tudu dagat
Aka adon momoli-molipik bo’ mongaliokad
Yo dunia posindip-sindip, mo pobaya-bayag
Binatuk kudon pinatongan bo’ sinarap
Naanta lagapan bi’in ta mokaramat
Pinakat bidon I toguoyod ginalum bo’ utat
Ki ady sinimindog dontumulat
A tumonggoliu tu monggolipat
Ko I togi gadi I togi motugat
Singgai naa in notolisi’ nolapat, in gama’ bo’ gu’at
Sin dinoyon don in posibotak
Kon hokum mulabo’ hokum adat
Bahasa naton bogot noton akat
Kon tayowon I sinungkadan ki pinangkat
Taki-takin guhanga opat
Singog pinorimaan pi no lukad kon motolu adi’ bo’mogogutat
Yo’ ompu, ompu, poiguman ku doa barakat
Kon  nabi bo malaikat, Tuhan ta’ no ngahendak
Oyuon ka yampoi yo ta, pa moilipat
Pamakot kon lokutoi, bo’ potaloman kon dagat
Kamang mo bandu mo I taukat, mo tuoi pa doman onuka in niat
Bo tonibuloi namunda makakal, molnoi, molamang
Tabe takin salamat.
mogama's custom event is finish and further both of bride and family and invitation are invite to wend to decorative wedding place  that already being provided.

personal communication, 27 December, 2012 8.33 pm
Panitia pelaksanaan adat mogama. (2011, Maret). Prosesi  upacara adat mogama perkawinan kepada ibnu fachri subhan malah, SS dengan indah maya sari soekarno,
Pictures from:
Rifian Amparodo, S.Kom and Suci Anggreaeni Limbalo, S.Si, mogama ceremony procession.

About writer
Nurul hidayati sading, she was born in Kotamobagu (north Sulawesi) on january 4th 1994. Her hobies are reading, singing and watching movies. Now, she lives in Gorontalo for solve her study in state university of Gorontalo as a student of English Department’011.
Tips and criticism that highly expected from writer to make next works perfection. For contact with writer can pass through by email: or blog:

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